what this means to me

Monday, December 8, 2014

Don't know where I'm at right now, but I want someone with me...

I could of had a happy life...

But I fucked everything up for myself.
I chose Depression and self hatred over having a purpose. I could have made a difference in my area by socializing and supporting myself and others in Highschool.

If there's one thing I would tell you it's focus on the present and seize the day. I just have to face the fact that I've made my bed and now I've got to lay in it.

I'm trying my best to get myself out of this deep depression, but there is a lot of regret in my life and the worst part is that it's all my fault. I should have loved the girl I loved instead of repressing those feelings of love into Depression and self hatred by not accepting her love because I was "Already in love with someone else"... I'm such an asshole.

I should have Kissed the other girl that was clearly showing signs that she wanted me to, but I didn't because I hated myself so much that I didn't think that I deserved love.

I shouldn't have been so crazy in my life...

Thanks for listening Whom ever is out there, I appreciate it.

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