what this means to me

Friday, May 1, 2015

Journal Entry #1

I'm not perfect... I've done bad things in my life, but I'm trying to become a better person, I'm trying to make up for it. I'm trying to figure out what God wants me to do and leave the devil in the dust.

Forgiveness is the hardest thing, especially when you try to forgive yourself and move on from your mistakes. It can be just as hard to forgive someone else.

I'm not exactly normal. I will always see myself as crazy, not because of my illness, but because I just am. My mind never shuts off. Sometimes I have ideas that could help people (which I put into my book) Sometimes I'm unbelievably angry and self loathing and I just want to explode.

Sometimes I love the human race, sometimes I wish the human race never existed at all.

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